
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Evelyn's Big Girl Room

Not only is Evelyn getting a big girl bedroom redesign - she's moving to a different room of the house and it's upstairs!  I'm totally nervous and keep asking Joe to install video cameras so I can watch her every move and find her in case she escapes from her room in the night. *Biting my nails.*  I fully plan on sleeping upstairs in the guest room for a month after to make sure she's okay.  I'm not looking forward to walking across the house and up the stairs when she cries in the night, but I will do it - cause I'm the Mommy.

To sidetrack for a moment, Joe and I got a Temper-pedic bed this weekend.  Do it - it's worth it.

So my Mom is currently handling the making of the new bedding.  She's working on the bedskirt and the comforter.  The bedskirt is completely made of hot pink satin taffeta rosette fabric like this:

Photo courtesy of Fabric Empire

Mom is going to gather the fabric at the top when she's sewing so that it's fluffy and has some movement to it.  I can't wait to see it!  I've seen this used for a crib skirt before so I'm hoping it turns out just as cute for a twin size bed. 

The comforter fabric I'm the most excited about.  It's really what started it all.  Evelyn told me she wanted "pink flowers" so I went from there.  I found a beautiful fabric by Michael Miller that I loved, but unfortunately they are no longer producing it.  After a week of pouting I decided to start looking again and that's when I came upon this awesome print from Amy Butler's Love collection:

Photo courtesy of

I immediately ordered a sample and was so pleased I turned around and ordered 7 yards!  I like pink, but I can't handle a pink walled room.  This fabric gives me choices for bringing in other colors for the walls and furniture. 

That's the beginnings for the rooms.  I went and picked up a ton of samples the other day and have some in the mail headed our way right now and I can't wait to get them and really plan out the room!  I've been moving furniture around to try to configure the layout - I wish everything would just click into place easily!


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